Master the Art of Fire Building: Expert Tips from Santa Fe’s The Firebird

Create the ideal fireside experience with The Firebird's comprehensive fire-building guide. Learn local wood tips, safety practices, and maintenance for indoor and outdoor fires.


As the Santa Fe air turns crisp and chilly, there's nothing quite like gathering around a warm, crackling fire with family and friends. Whether you're cozying up indoors by a fireplace or enjoying your outdoor living space with a fire pit, mastering the art of building the perfect fire is essential for creating memorable moments. At The Firebird, we're passionate about helping you create the ideal indoor and outdoor living experience. Follow our comprehensive guide to build efficient, long-lasting fires that will keep you warm and enchanted all winter long.

Preparing Your Fireplace or Fire Pit

Before you strike that match, proper preparation is key to a safe and efficient fire:

1. Ensure Proper Ventilation

  • For indoor fireplaces: Open the damper fully before lighting your fire. This crucial step allows for adequate airflow, which is essential for ignition and maintaining efficient combustion. It also allows the smoke to exit through the chimney rather than filling your house.
  • For outdoor fire pits: Check that the area around your fire pit is clear of overhanging branches or structures that could impede smoke dispersion.

2. Clean the Fire Area

  • Remove ash and debris from previous fires. A clean base not only looks better but also promotes better airflow and reduces the risk of stray embers.
  • For indoor fireplaces: Use a fireplace shovel and brush to sweep out old ashes. Consider leaving a thin layer (about 1 inch) of ash for insulation, which can help your fire burn more efficiently.
  • For outdoor fire pits: Clear out any leaves, twigs, or debris that may have accumulated. Ensure the pit's drainage holes (if any) are clear to prevent water buildup.

3. Safety First

  • Indoor: Check that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly.
  • Outdoor: Keep a fire extinguisher or bucket of sand nearby for safety.
  • Ensure you have proper fire tools on hand, such as pokers, tongs, and a sturdy screen for indoor fireplaces.

Choosing the Right Wood

The secret to a perfect fire lies in selecting the right fuel:

1. Opt for Seasoned Hardwoods

  • Hardwoods like oak, maple, hickory, or mesquite are ideal for both indoor and outdoor fires.
  • These woods have lower moisture content, typically below 20%, which promotes efficient burning and produces more heat.
  • Properly seasoned wood will have dark ends with cracks or splits visible.

2. Avoid Softwoods for Regular Use

  • While pine and other softwoods might be readily available in Santa Fe, they're not ideal for regular use.
  • Softwoods burn quickly and produce more creosote, a flammable substance that can build up in chimneys and increase the risk of chimney fires.
  • If you must use softwoods, mix them with hardwoods and use them sparingly.

3. Consider Local Woods

  • In Santa Fe, piñon pine is a popular choice due to its aromatic qualities. While it's a softwood, its distinctive fragrance makes it a favorite for occasional outdoor use.
  • Juniper is another local wood that can be used in moderation, offering a pleasant scent.

Building and Lighting Your Fire

Follow these steps to construct a fire that lights easily and burns efficiently:

1. Create a Solid Foundation

  • Start with a layer of crushed paper or cardboard at the base.
  • Add a layer of small, dry twigs, or kindling on top of the paper.
  • Arrange two or three small logs parallel to each other, with space between for airflow.

2. Build the Fire Lay

  • For a classic "log cabin" style: Place two larger logs perpendicular to the base logs, then two more perpendicular to those, creating a square shape.
  • For a "teepee" style: Lean smaller pieces of wood against each other over the kindling, forming a cone shape.

3. Light the Fire

  • Use long-reach matches or a utility lighter to safely ignite the paper at multiple points.
  • Allow the kindling to catch before adding any additional wood.

Maintaining Your Fire

Once your fire is burning, proper maintenance will ensure it lasts:

1. Add Wood Gradually

  • Wait until the fire is well-established before adding larger logs.
  • Add new logs before the fire burns too low — this maintains a consistent temperature and reduces smoke.

2. Control Airflow

  • For indoor fireplaces: Once the fire is strong, partially close the damper to control the burn rate and improve heat efficiency.
  • For outdoor fire pits: Use a poker to shift logs and maintain optimal airflow.

3. Monitor and Adjust

  • Keep an eye on the fire and adjust logs as needed to maintain even burning.
  • For longer-lasting fires, consider using larger logs or hardwoods known for slow burning, like oak.

Eco-Friendly Fire Practices

As stewards of Santa Fe's beautiful environment, consider these eco-friendly tips:

  • Use locally-sourced, sustainably harvested firewood to reduce transportation emissions.
  • Consider manufactured logs made from recycled materials for occasional use.
  • Never burn treated wood, plastics, or household waste, which can release harmful chemicals.

Enhancing Your Fireside Experience

Consider these additions to elevate your fireside gatherings:

  • Comfortable seating arranged around your fire pit or fireplace
  • Outdoor blankets and pillows for added coziness
  • A selection of long-handled roasting forks for s'mores or campfire cooking
  • Ambient lighting, such as string lights or lanterns, to complement the fire's glow

Safety Reminders

Always prioritize safety when enjoying your fire:

  • Never leave a fire unattended, indoors or outdoors.
  • Keep children and pets at a safe distance.
  • Ensure your fire is completely extinguished before leaving the area or going to bed.
  • Schedule annual chimney cleanings and inspections for indoor fireplaces.

The Firebird: Your One-Stop Shop for Fire Features and Accessories

At The Firebird in Santa Fe, we're not just experts in outdoor furniture — we're your go-to source for all things related to fireplaces, stoves, and fire pits. Our extensive inventory includes:

  • Indoor Fireplaces: Traditional wood-burning and modern electric options
  • Outdoor Fire Features: Wood-burning fire pits and elegant outdoor fireplaces
  • Stoves: Efficient wood-burning and convenient electric models
  • Fireplace Inserts: Upgrade your existing fireplace with wood-burning or electric inserts
  • Accessories: From fireplace tools to decorative screens and log holders

Visit us to explore our wide selection of indoor and outdoor fire features and accessories. Our expert staff can help you choose the perfect products for your home and provide advice on care and maintenance. Let The Firebird help you turn your indoor and outdoor spaces into year-round havens of warmth and comfort.